December Goals
My Goals for the month of December
My Goals for the month of December
Finish some games.
Find some new games.
-I just haven't found anything yet that excites me 😑, maybe the new season of TFD will bring me back to the game
2025 Planning
Discord & Twitch Game - Found game, need to install
Close Sanctuary Merch
Install a Theme ($$) for my website
Co-Working Stream
2025 Planning
Continue moving content over from WordPress
hEllo sUnshine
Consistently post 5 of 7 days/week
Gain 10 more Subscribers
vAriety sTreamer lAb
Continue growing content
Gain 5 Subscribers
Continue creating the content for RYTB MasterCourse
Earn $500 this month.
Continue growing Affiliate sources
Continue work on gaining first Sponsor [non StreamElements]
December - Earn January Twitch Payout
December Game Sponsor [StreamElements]
Create Unique Shop Items for Fourthwall
Notes on Stream Goals:
*December test of 3 minute ads
*Bits Goal on Twitch resets monthly
*Puma $5 Tips Goal comes from StreamElements and resets each session.
income - $49.00 (expected)
expenses - $223.38 (expected)
uPdated: 12/1/24
cHeck-iN: Drop in on my 2024 Overview [google doc]
Twitch Goals and Next Achievement Milestones
- Next Subscriber Badge unlocks on 12/22/24
- Unlock 10 additional VIP Badges: Get 25 people chatting at the same time
- Unlock 1 Standard Emote Slots and 1 Animated Slot: Get 65 Subscriber Points
- Unlock the next Bits Tier Emote: Get at least one viewer to Cheer 10K Bits
Twitch Achievements Reached in December
- coming soon
Tribe YouTube Achievements Reached in December
- coming soon
Tenor Gifs
- coming soon
November Goals
October Goals
September Goals